by Monica A. Coleman | Nov 25, 2020 | Media
Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower is on the bestseller list! Nearly 30 years after it was published – and for good reason. I got to talk with Religion News Service about the theology in Parable. (RNS) — Nearly 30 years after it was published and more...
by Monica A. Coleman | Aug 23, 2020 | Media
Friends Dr. Adam Clark and Dr. Tripp Fuller joined together to offer an 8-week reading group on Black Theology: I Can’t Breathe: Black Theology: Disrupting and Revitalizing the World. They had a couple guest lecturers: Episcopal Bishop Michael Curry and yours...
by Monica A. Coleman | Aug 17, 2020 | Media
Had so much fun talking with Sabrina Reyes-Peters about process theology. Sabrina Reyes-Peters runs this wonderful podcast talking about all the things we do in graduate theological education. We had a lively conversation and you can catch it on her podcast...
by Monica A. Coleman | Aug 14, 2020 | Media
Had so much fun talking with Elizabeth Cronin about my book BIPOLAR FAITH. Dr. Elizabeth Cronin is a clinical psychologist based in Massachusetts who has a podcast about books on mental health and well-being. We had a lively conversation and you can catch it on her...
by Monica A. Coleman | Jul 22, 2020 | Blog, Monica's Blog, The Beautiful Mind Blog
July is BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month. In 2008, mental health communities began recognizing July as Bebe Moore Campbell Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. Campbell was an African American novelist and a fierce advocate for mental health awareness and...