Ain’t I a Womanist Too?

Praise for Ain’t I a Womanist Too?

Third-Wave Womanist Religious Thought

Third wave womanism is a new movement within religious studies with deep roots in the tradition of womanist religious thought—while also departing from it in key ways.

After a helpful and orienting introduction, this volume gathers essays from established and emerging scholars whose work is among the most lively and innovative scholarship today.

The result is a lively conversation in which ‘to question is not to disavow; to depart is not necessarily to reject’ and where questioning and departing are indications of the productive growth and expansion of an important academic and religious movement.



Praise for Ain’t I a Womanist Too?

20140910_Hopkins_3121“In this groundbreaking text, Ain’t I A Womanist Too?, Monica Coleman gifts us with the scholarly future. Not only is this visionary book a foretaste of third wave womanism. It is also the pioneering history of ideas and practices for the entire American academy of religions. Coleman convinces us about the power of naming and the power from naming. An epistemological transition and a generational shift emerge in this beautiful collection of essays.”

Dwight N. Hopkins
The University of Chicago Divinity School

west“The authors in this volume will shake-up your presuppositions about womanist religious scholarship. This sampling of third wave ideas is so inventive, ambiguity-embracing, and politically challenging, it’s tough to stop reading them before you finish the whole book.”

Traci West
Drew Theological School