Men Stopping Violence

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and I’m making a list of my favorite activists speaking out against sexual violence.  Some are old-school activists working on the ground in non-profit organizations; some are artists; some are writers – all are committed.  I’ve been speaking out against sexual violence for the last 15 years – beginning slightly more than a year after I survived an experience of rape.  The people I mention this month are friends and comrades.

Men Stopping Violence based in the greater Atlanta community. And you thought that the only people resisting sexual violence were women?!  Not so. Men Stopping Violence works locally, nationally, and internationally to dismantle belief systems, social structures, and institutional practices that oppress women and children and dehumanize men themselves.

I have encountered this organization and its staff several times in the last 15 years of my own activism.  They are current, relevant, bold and astoundingly powerful in their commitment to social justice and their advocacy of the violence against women’s movement. Check them out!


See others on my list:

25 Top Sexual Violence Activists: #3

25 Top Sexual Violence Activists: #2

25 Top Sexual Violence Activists: #1