(Not) Feeling God

(Not) Feeling God

I want to feel God.  I don’t need a mystical experience or a burning bush, but I want to feel God. I need to feel God.   I was taught not to depend on my feelings for God.  I spent my college years as an active member of Campus Crusade for Christ.  It was a...
I Need Spirituals

I Need Spirituals

Music is an important part of my life.  Whether jamming to an upbeat rock song at the gym or playing a sad song incessantly after a heartbreak, I, like many other people, can imagine creating a soundtrack to my life filled with the music of my generation.  Music gives...
Words Matter

Words Matter

  “Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will never hurt me.”  This is one of the biggest playground lies.  The truth is that words matter. Names matter.  It matters what we call ourselves.  What other people call us, matters. And words stick with us...
A Closet of my Own

A Closet of my Own

  I was still in high school when ESSENCE magazine published an article by its then-editor Linda Villarosa and her mother, Clara Villarosa. “Coming Out” told the story of Linda’s revelation and acceptance of her lesbian identity  — from her perspective and...