by Monica A. Coleman | Aug 8, 2019 | Blog, Monica's Blog, The Beautiful Mind Blog
I didn’t know I had a lisp. Not until I was 15 and a boy I liked teased me about it. Once he pointed it out, I stopped talking as much. I immediately asked my parents about it. They said they knew it was there, but didn’t think it was a big deal. They thought I would...
by Monica A. Coleman | Jul 2, 2019 | Blog, Monica's Blog, Spiritual Practice, The Beautiful Mind Blog
Spiritual Practices don’t have to be as “holy” as we sometimes think. Here I talk about a great spiritual practice for busy people. Grab a cup of tea. To learn more about the ideas that support my spiritual practices, click here ...
by Monica A. Coleman | Apr 1, 2018 | Blog, Monica's Blog, The Beautiful Mind Blog
Remember this day. I told myself to remember this day. This was the day when it all ended. This was the day I was raped. It ended before I had words for it. . My ability to sleep well. My ability to focus. My ability to trust. My ability to pray. My ability to...
by Monica A. Coleman | Aug 2, 2017 | Blog, Monica's Blog, The Beautiful Mind Blog
He called too early in the morning. Every year on my birthday. My father called to tell me happy birthday. And to tell me that he held me first. “We saw that your hair was black. And I held you first.” “I know Daddy.” This year marks ten years since my father died. He...
by Monica A. Coleman | Jul 18, 2017 | Blog, Monica's Blog, The Beautiful Mind Blog
We die daily. This is what I told a student in the summer continuing education class I teach on Process Theology as Spiritual Liberation. She asked, “What about life after death?” And my first response, without much thought came in these three words: “We die daily.”...
by Monica A. Coleman | Sep 29, 2016 | Blog, Monica's Blog, The Beautiful Mind Blog
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and every September I hear that suicide is the unforgivable sin. As a minister and theologian, I understand the rationale. It goes something like this: Sin is doing something that offends God. It is the pride of trying...