The story does not end with crucifixion.

That’s the message I need to hear this Easter.  In the last weeks, wider America has become more conscious of what African Americans have always known: crucifixion can happen at any moment.  When pulled over by the police, when walking home, when shopping for Skittles and iced tea.  As parents, we teach our children how to walk, talk, dress, move their eyes and place their hands on a steering wheel in meager hopes that the prejudice of the empowered will not kill them.

The case of Trayvon Martin causes us to remember the many crucified innocents: Emmett Till,Amadou DialloJordan MartinKenneth Chamberlain, and far too many others African American boys and men.

They stand in the same vein as Jesus, the crucified innocent of our faith.

I need to be reminded that the crucifixion does not save us; the resurrection does.

The resurrection reminds us that the story does not end in slaughter.  There is life after death.  This year the crucifixion asks us where we will find the risen Christ.  Where will we find life after death?  How will we make meaning out of tragedy?

I hope to find Easter in the raised consciousness and solidarity among those who recognize discrimination when they see it.  I hope to find Easter in the protests and rallies. I hope to find Easter in justice.

(Originally published with Patheos here)